Friday, February 22, 2013

Round 2 I suppose

To say the least, my latest "new lifestyle" FAILED.  I tried, so I guess it wasn't complete failure, but I don't like failing to begin with ... so it is what it is.  ANYWAYS, on to the next plan. My plan B begins as so, I will start Monday because nothing is better than a fresh start and I love being fresh out of the shower.  I think I'll still prepare my meals ahead of time because let's face it, my life is still busy and things happen short notice just about all of the time, so being prepared helps a lot.  I keep seeing everywhere that the key to being healthier and slimming down is pretty much eating better.  You might think to yourself "no shit sherlock", but I hadn't realized that it was pretty much 80% of slimming down.  So, I'm thinking about getting nutritional advice from, this pretty good website where the food is nutritionally good, the advice is free, and the food probably tastes good.  The last "lifestyle diet" I was eating by showed me how groddie eating healthy is, but I've always known that it isn't as bad as that last experience.  I'm thinking, if I follow this easier equally healthy diet and exercise, then I won't be far off.  As far as exercise, I  think that it still is important and used to be fun for me and I want to make it fun again.  Until I'm 100% sure, I'll stick to Zumba and see how much I like those results.  Zumba wise, I love that shit !  It's so fun and intense like I like and it's dancing, anything that'll let me shake my ass I'm down for (pero, no prostitution).  If I would've continued my new lifestyle, I would be almost 2 months into it, impressive, but it obviously wasn't for me. I'll remeasure myself and get back to square 1.  Square 1 is a tough place to be at, especially when it isn't your 1st time there, but you have to start and restart until you find your proper fit.  So shout out to the fitness world, just call me the #comebackkid


Thursday, February 21, 2013

30 Day WLC: Day 10

What was the hardest thing you gave up during this "weight loss"?

Oh shit. We were supposed to give something up.
Well I am a new vegetarian (11/1) so I guess I gave up meat. And I don't drink juice or soda... So there's that.
But I guess I can give up breads for the rest of this challenge.
Cool. No more breads. Let's see how that works.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

30 Day WLC: Day 2-9

Woahhhh. I missed an entire week.

Day 2: How tall are you? Do you like your height?
Five foot and three awesome inches. I'm totally cool with it. Little ladies are cute and I have the perfect little height.

Day 3: A picture of your thinsperation. What features about this person do you like?
I don't really have a thinspiration... But having their body and his abs wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

Day 4: Greatest fear about losing weight.
I'll reach my goal weight but not my goal body.

Day 5: Why do you really want to lose weight? Is it for you?
To have a flat stomach. Hell yeah it's for me. 

Day 6: Do you binge? If so, explain why?
I don't have binging money. I once had half a dozen donuts over the span of 12 hours, but I was feeling like pure dog shit that night. 

Day 7: Do your parents know that you're trying to lose weight? Do they care? 
What I do with my fat and muscles has nothing to do with my parents. 

Day 8: Workout routine.
My workout routine is like the rest of my life, unstable. I usually workout at night around 7 but sometimes I'll be bored and throw on my Nikes Fit Club app and just sweat out my boredom. I do a mix of fitness class, blogilates and Nike Fit Club. 

Day 9: Did people ever make comments about your weight in a negative way.
No. I wear baggy clothes which are not only comfy but hide my Homer Simpson sized beer gut. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Sunday Meal Prep

As promised, I have finally photographed parts of my Sunday prep for the following week of meals.  Now, I follow a specific diet plan, just a new way of pretty much permanently eating and it's a 5 meal a day plan.  I think I eat very well and I feel 0 guilt when eating.  I used to feel guilty when I ate sometimes because I knew how horrible the food was.  I don't want to feel like that anymore... EVER, so this is my smart solution.  For now I follow someone else's meal plan because it'd be too much for me to invent of of that.  Once I get a hang of eating what Bianca's body needs, I'll let go of the plan I'm currently using.  I won't waste anymore of your time in reading, so let's get to the photos and I'll explain each one a bit.

this is my cutting station. I cut, sliced, and spread everything here

I wasn't done yet, but I was moving at a quick pace at this point.

Making some shrimp and whole wheat pasta as a meal.

Veggies and 2 of the tons of measuring that I do during my Sunday prep.

My curry mac 'n' cheese

this macaroni has a story I do not wish to tell, but if you must know;it was ok.
 That's all I had time to do.  It's really a busy process just because I get soooo tired from cooking for hours straight just for the sake of finishing quickly.  I wish I had a huge kitchen with other cooks and I did nothing... Every week has been a little better than the last as far as prep and taste and flow of cooking and eating and even shopping so we'll see about this coming weekend.  Enjoy & live well !

Monday, February 11, 2013

30 Day WLC: Day 1

My Stats

Height: 5' 3"
Current Weight: 125lbs
Heaviest Weight: 138lbs
Lowest Weigh:119lbs
Ultimate Goal Weight: 110lbs :)

30 Day Weight Loss Challenge

I could say "Let's start on the first" and procrastinate on my goal to live a healthy life where I dont hate my body... or I could jump right into this and start enjoying my meals and workouts. Definitly the latter.
Day one begins today, Feburary 11,2013.