Monday, January 21, 2013

Tazo Time

My only hopes for tonight are for the magical powers of green tea to swindle the thoughts of worry and discomfort and settle my dreams with solutions for tomorrow.  I'm basically asking for this tea to free me, that is all.

              Until next time ....
                          xxTea Princess

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Meals this past week: 1

I haven't been working no where nearly as hard as B this week but this is two of the meals I had this week. The bottom one is dinner from tonight and the breakfast I think was from yesterday morning. I don't think granola is good in such large portions especially when it's as sweet as my schools but it is yummy. 

Pancakes topped with Granola mixed with Raisins and drizzled with honey.

Pasta with a side of spicy peas and carrots

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 4 Difficulties

When life hands you lemons, you're supposed to make lemonade, but I decided .... since life handed me 30 pounds of lemons, I made 30 different chicken and fish recipes WITH lemons ! Day 4 was cold, so cold that it was too cold. I'm not a fan of the cold to begin with, so anything below 70 degrees is too much.  Whatcha wun't from me ?! I'm from South Florida which is not Central Florida's weather, but I'm supposed to be talking about my health, not Florida.  Thursday, January 17th was a tough run, but I did it and it was cold, windy, and hard to breathe.  I think that run taught me something about the person that I'd like to continue to be; strong, determined, and goal oriented.  I'm also proud of my little Hercules <3 He did the entire run with me non-stop even though his little ass was quivering and a momma knows when her baby is cold.  We did it though and I just wanted to say that if I could do it, it is possible.  So get out there and GET HEALTHY (:

 Yes, by the information above, I do run at about midnight every night (bad habit) so I was freezing my buns off at first, but it's like the "jump into a cold pool, not walk" phenomena... Just jump in !

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Due to financial difficulties (stupid college textbooks) I will not be going forward with my cleanse. Instead I will start this year off slowly... extremely slooowwwlly.
First step to a better me: eat better
My college dining hall has come up a bit since the fall. They have realized that many of us students want fresher and healthier options.

My usual breakfast
Second step to a better me: Dont be afraid to use my legs.
Since I got my Nikes I've been more excited to walk places. Just throw my shades on and some breathable clothes and walking around Daytona is a breeze.

My awesome Christmas gift from Vero.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


You may assume that the first day of my new lifestyle went great !  It was wonderful, I ate well, was tempted to cheat, but didn't, and worked out even when I didn't feel like it.  My new lifestyle includes hours of preparation for the 5 meals I am learning to eat every 3 hours and working out at the end of the day.  Of course life happens and nothing is perfect, but I, I didn't get to eat everything on time because I kind of underestimated me being able to eat during work hours, but I still made an effort to eat everything.  Working out also didn't work out the way that I originally planned for it to go.  I planned on doing the Insanity program, but I'm missing a few CD's for some odd reason and I feel like if I want to do this right, then I'll wait to buy the complete series of discs and do it then.  In the meantime, I jogged 1.4 miles and then when I got home I did some yogalates with my fave youtube channel for yoga. (I'll post the channel info)  After seeing what it's like to work out and eat properly, not just a salad for every meal, I see that it takes dedication, self-discipline, and motivation because it's not an easy fix to go from shit food binge to health nut, BUT IT CAN BE DONE.  I also made a motivation board to cheer me on everyday about my good health and goals, when I find my camera, I'll post a picture of it.  Pictures will slowly trickle in y'all (;  Anyways, I'm still a college student so I have hit to the mf books !!!

if you were pondering the possibilities, I am giving myself a high five (abg)

                                                                  twerk 'sum,

the British yoga queen's channel on Youtube:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

To Begin With

So this may be very cliche of us, but new year new us huh ? lol.  We're on our way to better health and better looking bodies that accompany our health.  Windel and I have separately decided that it's never too late to turn around a bad habit and when we consulted each other, realized that we shared most of the same views so we're taking the journey together from 2 different cities.  With motivation from each other and the will within ourselves, we're sure to be better women in 2013.  BUT! before we start our journey, the proper preparation should be taken, it's hard to just jump into a new lifestyle  the very next day.  I've been prepping for about a week with menus and such...still debating whether I should start off with a detox or go straight into working out plus my amazing new diet.  Anyways, I found this great video on this natural Youtube channel and it's a nice little listen.  Take care !

                                        -wannabe2fit2quit aka Bianca (: